Good evening my beloved bloggers. As usual, my weekend routine is doing some cleaning stuffs at home. I've got enough "jimba-jimba" day last weekend at Cameron Highland 😁. So, for this week, it's cleaning time!!
Guess what? When I cleaned the storeroom, I found so many toilet cleaning gels in ECO2 plastic bag. I've no idea when did my husband bought these things 😅. All I know is he's been very addicted to this toilet cleaning gel since we bought it last time. I'm pretty sure, he bought these on his off day 😂.
Actually, I've told him to buy this toilet cleaning gel at Shopee. It's more cheaper compared to ECO2 & Mr. DIY. Eventually, he didn't listen to my suggestion & decided to buy it in ECO2. He tried to hide these from me. Too bad, I've found it 😌!! Maybe he didn't want to wait so long because the existing cleaning gels were finished already. But I'm impressed with his effort to make sure the toilet stay clean & fresh.
Here got three options of senses. Ocean, rose & lemon. I prefer the lemon one 🍋. |
Before you stamp this cleaning gel, please make sure your toilet is clean & dry. If you stamp the gel while the toilet is still wet, your cleaning gel will fall off into the bowl 😅. So, apply it when it's dry. Then you can flush the toilet to make the cleaning gel sticking more to the bowl surface.
Remove the cap in order to expose the gel stamp. |
- Remove the cap, twist the dispenser to the position that the dispenser can be pushed into the first position.
- Position the clear end of the gel stamp holder against the inside surface of the toilet bowl close to the rim.
- Push the dispenser until the gel come out.
- Put the cap back to the position tightly for the next use.
- Flush the toilet to activate the gel stamp.
When you removed the cap, you can see the 🌼 pattern of the stamp . |
Make sure you put the dispenser stick into the right slot. Easily for you to press the gel without getting stuck. |
Here is the end result. I think my husband did better than I did.This shown that I'm not a hardcore fan of this cleaning gel 😂. |
I just put all the cleaning gels on the toiletries rack. Easily for their fan (my husband) to reach in the future 😆. |
(Tips to push the dispenser : PRESS > Lock to the RIGHT > PRESS > Lock to the LEFT > REPEAT)
Wah mcm nk beli la pulak
BalasPadamTime nampak kat ECO2 kena grab cecepat Rabiah. Sebab benda ni selalu sold out😁.
Padamkat kedai eco sllu abis je bnde alah ni..
BalasPadamHa...ah, memang selalu sold out benda alah ni. Hari tu nak beli asyik tak ada jer memanjang 😂.
PadamTetibe rasa macam nak ke ECO.. hehehe
BalasPadamSilakan. Tapi sebelum masuk kena rancang dulu nak beli apa 😂. Takut berbondot-bondot beg plastik bawak keluar ECO2 nanti. Dahlah kedai tu banyak saka. Kih3 😁
Padamnampak kat tesco aritu, tapi tak pernah pula try
BalasPadamKat Tesco tak pernah pulak nampak. Kalau Mr.DIY pernahlah. Tapi mahal sikit 😂.