Recently I received so many notifications regarding my Google storage through my Gmail. It mentions that my Google storage is almost full. I think today, I am going to do some sort of cleaning & removing any unwanted files & mails. Maybe I'll unsubscribe some of the newsletters that I've subscribed over the years. It is the best option for me to stay away from all those junk emails. I am pretty sure it might not take a whole day to clean up all that mess.
Once finished, I'll try my best to spend a couple of time to respond to all my beloved commentator traces in the comment section & do some random blogwalking. Very sorry for not being able to reply all your messages. Thanks also to keep continuing support me in the blogging world until today. Hope my fellow supporters can continually spread lots & lots of positive vibes amongst bloggers. Just give me a couple of time to sort all the stuffs & respon to each of your comments. Here is my apple smile as a token for your loyalty ๐๐. Have a nice & a cheerful weekend to all of you.
Ammi pun dh byk unsubscribe unwanted newsletters. Pakai filter je senang
BalasPadamAda gak Syu buat sebelum ni. Tapi macam ada lagi sisa2 yang tertinggal ๐ . Itu kalau boleh nak bagi clear tu. Semaklah banyak sangat email tak penting duduk dekat inbox ๐.
PadamSaya punnn unsubscribe kalau selalu dapat email. Rasa rimas, buat penuh email aje hahaha. Apa apa pun, selamat berhujung minggu kak syu! ;)
BalasPadamBetul. Sangat-sangat merimaskan ๐ .
PadamSelamat berhujung minggu jugak Tiqah. Have a nice weekend ๐๐.